I have had the pleasure of teaching students of all ages and abilities for 34 years. It literally is for me, the most satisfying, rewarding and thrilling experience and the best job in the world! To be fortunate to sit one to one with a student for at least half an hour; to get to know and understand their learning and thought process, and help them discover and grow a skill, craft, discipline that they will enjoy for the rest of their lives. I am helping to train the brain!
Music learning increases cognitive ability through enhanced neuronal communications between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, resulting in positive effects on learning, memory, coordination and fine motor skills, verbal and non verbal reasoning, resulting in an overall more capable brain to apply in a variety settings, assisting the student with maths, language, logic and so much more. Learning to play an instrument helps keep the mind sharp, increases concentration, improves your mood, can widen your social circle, can help fight early onset dementia, boost your reflexes, strengthen your posture and create the utmost stress and anxiety relief. Now that is a rewarding job and such an important hobby for any student to benefit from in so many ways.
I teach over 50 students from the age of 6 to 90 at my home in Hordle. Children and teenagers are taught after school each evening and Adults are taught flexibly during the day time.
Please see my other pages on this website that explain my Work with students with Neurodiversity, Mental Health issues, Sight Loss and a wide range of disabilities.
I specialise in teaching Piano to degree standard for those that wish to follow Music as a career. We study via the Associated Board of the Royal School of Music Professional Diploma syllabus.
I have two music rooms with a concert Grande piano for classical playing, Beautiful upright piano for jazz and contemporary, an electric piano for students with a heavier touch or sound sensitivity and a electric keyboard for rhythm, beat and sound games! We also use percusssion instruments to help explore music concepts. We have two concerts per year for under 18s at Sway Church, providing an opportunity for students to perform and share their talents to a delighted audience. This helps students to learn how to present themselves well and learn how to control nerves. only those that want to perform do so. We have an adult soiree once a year at my home with lots of drinks and nibbles and those that wish to play can do so alongside listening to myself and Rosie Gill harpist and my husband play too. It is great fun!
I teach each student holistically; no child is ever taught the same way. Music theory is incorporated verbally into each themed lesson.
Some students wish to follow the Associated Board of the Royal School of Music exams, some Trinity exams, some play by ear, some read music for pleasure, some improvise and compose; I meet each students musical needs and interests.
I teach lever harp as a second instrument up to grade 8 standard. Again some students follow the ABRSM exams and others play for the harps therapeutic qualities; for sheer joy and pleasure.
Here is my timetable for 2024 to 2025 and the rules my students abide by regarding missed lessons and fees;